Analysis of Clinical Effects of Treatment of Recrudescent Fever Sore With Combined Medicines
中文关键词:  复发性口疮  联合用药  疗效  发病因素
英文关键词:recrudescent fever sore,combined medicines,treatment effects,nosogenesis
南华大学第一附属医院 湖南衡阳421001
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      目的 评价几种药物联合治疗复发性口疮的临床疗效 ,探讨其常见的发病因素。方法 对近 3年所接诊的 1 1 2例患者 ,随机分为 3组 ,三组用不同药物进行治疗 ,分别观察 1个疗程治疗结束后 1周及 3个疗程治疗结束后半年的临床疗效 ,并进行统计学分析。结果 治疗 1周后 ,对照组A、实验组B、实验组C总有效率分别为 36.84%,65 .71 %,89.74%,P <0 .0 0 1。经 3个疗程治疗半年后对照组A、实验组B、实验组C总有效率分别为 34.2 1 %,68.5 7%,92 .31 %;治愈率分别为 :7.89%,2 0 .0 0 %,2 5 .64%,P <0 .0 0 1。结论 联合用药能明显提高复发性口疮治疗的有效率及治愈率
      Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recrudescent fever sore with combined medicines and probe into the common nosogenesis. Methods 112 cases within 3 years were divided into 3 groups at random, each group was treated with different medicines. The clinical effects at the time of one week after the 1st period of treatment and half a year after the 3rd period of treatment were observed and analyzed statistically. Results The total effective ratios at the time of a week after the 1st period of treatment of Group A (contrast), Group B (experimental) and group C (experimental) are 36.84%, 65.71% and 89.74% respectively (P<0.001), while those at the time of half a year after the 3rd period of treatment are 34.21%, 68.57% and 92.31%, and the cure ratios are 7.89%, 20.00% and 25.64% respectively (P<0.001). Conclusion Treatment of recrudescent fever sore with combined medicines significantly improves the effective ratio and the cure ratio.
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