The Anatomical Study for the Projection on the Vertebral Body and its Central Point of Pedicle of Lumbar Vertebral Arch
中文关键词:  腰椎椎弓根 椎体 投影 中心位 水平面夹角 X光片 解剖学
英文关键词:pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch,projection,central point,angle between lumbar vertebral body and horizontal plane,X-ray
基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金资助 (课题编号 :0 2JJY2 0 2 8)
李严斌  廖迎春  彭珍山  肖立才  欧阳四新
[1]南华大学解剖教研室,湖南衡阳421001 [2]南华大学公共卫生学院 [3]南华大学第一附属医院
摘要点击次数: 861
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      目的 观到腰椎椎弓根在椎体上的投影,探寻其中心位位置的规律。方法 选取正常成人腰椎正侧位X光片100例,首先在正位片上确定椎弓根在椎体上的投影位置,定位它的中心位位置,用游表卡尺分别到量椎弓根中心位到腰椎椎体上下缘及例缘的距离及同一椎体椎弓根中心位之间的距离;另外在侧位片上测量腰椎椎体的水平面夹角,然后对这些数据进行统计学处理并进行分析。结果 腰椎椎弓根中心位到椎体上缘的距离由上而下逐渐由大变小,相反到下缘的距离由上而下逐渐由小变大,到侧缘的距离(A)由上而下逐渐由小变大,同一椎体椎弓根中心位相互之间距(B)由上而下逐渐由小变大。结论 腰椎椎弓根中心位在垂直位上由上而下朝外下方移动,到侧缘的距离与同一椎体椎弓根中心位间距之比相同。
      Objective To observe the projection of pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch on the vertebral body and research the regular pattern of its central point. Methods 100 cases X-Ray (respectively including anterior and lateral lumbar vertebral X-Ray view).Firstly on the anterior X-Ray view located the projection of pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch on the vertebral body and its central point.then measursed the length from this point to the superior inferior and lateral edge of lumbar vertebral body respectively.On the other hand throught the lateral X-ray view measursed the angle between lumbar vertebral body and horizontal plane.Finally analyzing these date. Result The length from this point to the superior edge of lumbar vertebral body gradually becomes more shorter.On the contrary .The length from this point to the inferior and lateral edge of lumbar vertebral body and the length between two central point of pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch. Conclusion The central point of pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch moves to the lateral and inferior direction on the vertical axis.The ratio of the length from this point to the lateral edge of lumbar vertebral body to the length between the central point of pedicle of lumbar vertebral arch does not change.
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