Expression and Identification of GFP- hDaxx Fusion Protein in Eukaryotic Cells
中文关键词:  融合蛋白 真核细胞 鉴定 细胞核 GFP-hDaxx hDaxx 早幼粒细胞白血病
英文关键词:hDaxx,fusion protein,eukaryotic cells
刘安元  谭立志  万艳平  吴移谋  余敏君  粟盛梅
南华大学病原生物学研究所 湖南衡阳421001 (刘安元,谭立志,万艳平,吴移谋,余敏君)
,南华大学病原生物学研究所 湖南衡阳421001(粟盛梅)
摘要点击次数: 781
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      Objective To construct eukaryocytic expression vector pEGFP/hDaxx, which can express GFP -hDaxx fusion protein. Methods Subclone hDaxx into pEGFP vector and select positive clone. HeLa cells were transfected with eukaryotic expression vectors encoding GFP and GFP - hDaxx fusion protein. GFP - hDaxx fusion protein was analyzed by Western - blotting and fluoscent localization in HeLa cells. Results pEGFP/hDaxx, which is an eukaryocytic expression vector, was successfully constructed and GFP - hDaxx fusion protein was ideally expressed in HeLa cells, what is more, GFP - hDaxx fusion protein was observed in nuclei under fluoscent microscope . Conclusion GFP - hDaxx fusion protein expressed successfully in eukaryotic cells and localized in nuclei.
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