Amplification of the DNA Polymerase I Gene of Treponema Pallidum by PCR and its Application in Diagnosis of Primary Syphilis
中文关键词:  聚合酶链反应,梅毒螺旋体,DNA多聚酶Ⅰ基因(polA),一期梅毒
英文关键词:PCR,treponema pallidum,DNA polymerase I gene(poIA),primary syphilis
曾铁兵  吴移谋  黄澍杰  吴志周
南华大学微生物学教研室,南华大学微生物学教研室,广东江门市皮肤医院,广东江门市皮肤医院 湖南衡阳421001,湖南衡阳421001
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      目的提高对梅毒诊断的灵敏性和特异性。方法运用PER扩增了梅毒螺旋体(Tp)的DNA多聚酶I基因(polA)的特异性片段,检测了该方法的特异性和灵敏性;用该方法检测了118例生殖器溃疡,同时用Tp PCR试剂盒和血清学方法平行检测同批病人的溃疡或血清标本。结果polA PCR只在扩增Tp时有特异性产物,灵敏性约为20个Tp拷贝;检测118例生殖器溃疡标本,用Tp PCR试剂盒为对照,polA PCR方法的特异性和灵敏性分别为96.8%和95.7%,两种PCR检验结果差异无显著性(x2=0.25,P>0.05);polA PCR方法与血清学方法对一期梅毒诊断结果差异有显著性(x2=4.45,P<0.05)。结论polA PCR方法高度敏感、特异,在一期梅毒诊断中优于血清学方法,可作为血清学方法的补充用于梅毒的诊断。
      Objective To improve the sensitivity and specificity in syphilis diagnosis. Methods PCR was performed to amplify the specific fragments of DNA polymerase I gene(polA) of T. pallidum. Sensitivity and specificity of the PCR method were analyzed. 118 genital ulcer specimens were tested by the polA PCR and Tp PCR diagnostic kit and serologic tests were applied to detect the ulcer or serum specimens from the same patients. Results Only specific amplicons could be found in amplifying the T. pallidum polA by the polA PCR method. The detection limit was about 20 organisms per 100 juL reaction by the polA PCR method. In the detection of 118 genital ulcer specimens, using Tp PCR diagnostic kit as control, the polA PCR showed a sensitivity of 96.8 % and specificity of 95.7% . There were not significant differences between two PCR methods. In diagnosis of primary syphilis ,significant differences could be found between the serology and the polA PCR. Conclusion The polA PCR method is extremely specific and more sensitive than the serology in diagnosis of primary syphilis. As a significant addition to the serologic tests, the polA PCR is applicable as a routine clinical diagnostic test for syphilis.
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