Investigation on Dietary Pattern of College Teachers'''' Families
中文关键词:  高校教师,膳食调查,食物结构
英文关键词:teacher,dietary survey,food pattern
龙鼎新  李东阳  任国峰  黄思齐
摘要点击次数: 1115
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      为了解高校教师家庭的膳食营养现状 ,分析其食物结构 ,采用连续三日称重法对 2 8户教师家庭作膳食调查。结果显示 :该高校教师家庭食物结构不合理。部分家庭视黄醇、VitB1、VitB2 摄入不足 ,也有部分家庭蛋白质、热能摄入过量。三大产热营养素的热能供给比例不协调 ,脂肪供热百分比偏高 ( 34 .97% )和碳水化合物供热百分比偏低 ( 50 .54% )。优质蛋白摄入充足 (动物蛋白 50 .4 0 % ,豆类蛋白 8.98% )。油脂摄入量偏高 ,占食物总摄入量的 4 .92 % ,以植物性脂肪为主。油脂摄入量的多少直接影响脂肪供热百分比的高低 (方差分析P <0 .0 5)。
      To understand the dietary pattern and nutritional status of college teachers' families,a sucessive three-day dietary survey was conducted in 28 families.The results showed that the dietary was not reasonable.The intakes of retinol, thiamin and riboflavin in some families were insufficient,but that of protein and calorie in other families were higher than usual.The amount of fat intakes consitituded slightly high proportion(34.97%) in calorie intake,but carbohydrates only supplied 50.54% of calories. The high quality protein respresented 59.38% of the total protein intake (animal protein 50.54%;bean protein 8.98%). The intake of cooking oil was high, accounting for 4.92% of total food intake. The amount of cooking oil intake has direct effect on calorie provided by fat ( Analysis of vaviance, Newman Keuls Test P<0.05).
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