Studies on the Specificity and Location of Lectin Receptors in Human Large Bowel carcinoma
中文关键词:  肠肿瘤,腺癌,凝集素,肿瘤转移
英文关键词:lectins,intestinal,neoplasms,adenocarcinoma,neoplasm metastasis
刘保安  甘润良  董来炜  李一琴  胡平玲
摘要点击次数: 901
全文下载次数: 1
      Seven lectins were used to study 82 cases of large bowel cercinoma and 40 cases of noncancerous large bowel mucosa by lectin hisdtocnemical method. The results showd that peanut agglutinin (PNA) had higher positive rates in large bowel carcinoma but normal bowel mucosa didn't express PNA recentor. Normal mucosa of left large bowel didn't bind Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I(UEA-I),wherease 58.7% of cancers boud it. Positive rate of Conconavilin agglutinin(Con A)increased 26.2% in cancers than in normal large bowel mucosa. Positive rates of Dolichos biflorus agglutinin(DEA) and Soybean agglutinin (SBA) in malignant careinomas respectively decreased 52.4% & 26.8% than in normal large bowel mucosa. The authors considered that PNA receptor could had specificity for human large bowel carcinoma and that UEA-I,Con A,DBA receptors could be associated tumor markers. Location of PNA,UEA-1I and Ricinus comunis agglutinin (RCA) receptors might be associated with the histologic classification and differentiation degree of the large bowel carcinoma. No relationship between change of lectin receptors and metastases of the cancers was observed,but both PNA and UEA-I affinitive histochemistry were benificial to the detection of micrometastase in lymphnodes.
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