中文关键词:  稻谷,气态氨熏蒸,黄曲霉毒素B_1,食品安全性毒理学评价
英文关键词:Rice Ammonia fumigation Aflatoxin B1 The toxicologic evaluation procedures for the safe use of food
高仕瑛  欧阳敦惜  王湘伟
摘要点击次数: 900
全文下载次数: 1
      The method of thin-layer chromatography proved that, aflatoxin B1 presented in rice can be decomposed by ammonia fumigation. On the basis of the above experiment, we evaluated the sanitary quality of rice, unhusked and processed, after gaseous ammonia fumigation according to "The toxicologic evaluation procedures for the safe use of food". According to the regulation, we carried out the evaluating procedure in three stages'. The first stage was the stage of acute toxicity and the seven-day feeding test. The second stage included three tests for aberration and mutagenicity and the third stage, the stage of sub-chronic toxic test. All the results verilied that fumigation of unhusked rice by ammonia may cause effective decompostion of aflatoxin B1 in rice. The decomposition products produced no toxic effect on experimented animals. For this reason we recommend the general application of the method in the process of detoxification of grains.
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