On the Development Process and Basic Connotation of the Orientalization of Marxism
中文关键词:  马克思主义东方化  世界历史理论  马克思主义中国化
English Keywords:orientalization of Marxism  theory of world history  sinicization of Marxism (
Fund Project:
莫江平 湖南科技大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 679
全文下载次数: 443
English Summary:
      The orientalization of Marxism” can be defined as the combination of the universal truth of Marxism with the specific reality of the eastern countries. It aims to analyze and solve the practical problems of the revolution and construction of the backward countries or nations in the East with the standpoint, viewpoint and method of Marxism, so as to form the line, principle and policy which are suitable for the actual situation of the eastern countries, and constantly promote the development of Marxism, give it the characteristics of the eastern region, and make it become the eastern form of Marxism. This paper mainly discusses the development process and basic connotation of the orientalization of Marxism from four aspects:the theory and practice of the orientalization of Marxism in the revolutionary process, the theory and practice of the orientalization of Marxism in the socialist construction, and the theory and practice of the orientalization of Marxism in the socialist reform. The orientalization of Marxism, which is both the application and development and the result of Marxist theory in the eastern region, enriches and develops the Marxist oriental social theory and world history theory, and has more important contemporary significance and academic value.
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