Corpus Use in Translation Teaching:A Case Study of “hong huang zhi li” Based on COCA and Ancient Chinese Corpus
中文关键词:  语料库  翻译教学  COCA  古代汉语语料库  洪荒之力
English Keywords:corpus  translation teaching  COCA  ancient Chinese corpus  hong huang zhi li
Fund Project:
刘康龙 香港理工大学 中文及双语学系,香港 999077 
刘剑雯 香港理工大学 中文及双语学系,香港 999077 
摘要点击次数: 948
全文下载次数: 519
English Summary:
      Using the translation of “hong huang zhi li” as an example, the current study explores the potential benefits and values of pedagogical applications of monolingual corpora, both L1 and L2, to translation teaching. The use of L1 monolingual corpora can help translators to differentiate and determine the semantic meaning of the ST concepts in the decoding process while the L2 monolingual corpora can help generate natural and idiomatic expressions in the encoding process. Besides, the descriptive nature of corpus approaches will, to a large extent, balance out the prescriptiveness of teaching content and methods. As an advanced teaching and research tool, corpus has its unique benefits and can thereby contribute to translation teaching as well as translation studies as a discipline.
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