魏强.空间正义与城市革命 ——大卫·哈维城市空间正义思想研究[J].,2018,(6):62-66
空间正义与城市革命 ——大卫·哈维城市空间正义思想研究
Spatial Justice and Urban Revolution
中文关键词:  空间  空间生产  正义批判  城市革命
English Keywords:space  spatial production  criticism of justice  urban revolution
Fund Project:
魏强 长江大学 政治哲学研究所,湖北 荆州 434023 
摘要点击次数: 955
全文下载次数: 670
English Summary:
      With the new globalization of capital and the modern urbanization movement, spatial production has become the most essential ingredient of social reproduction. Meanwhile, spatial justice or injustice has been increasingly developed into the focal point of social issues, the fracture and hierarchical of urban space highlights the problem of spatial injustice. It can be reflected in the field of production that urban space appears to be a new mode of exploitation dominated by capital power. In the field of distribution and exchange, it appears to be the uneven distribution of urban space resources and the intensification of polarization of the rich and the poor of cities. In the field of consumption, it is characterized by the grading and fortification of urban space. In the view of David Harvey, we can only achieve urban spatial justice after carrying out anti-capitalist struggles, reshaping civic consciousness and striving for the rights of spatial production in urban space.
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