Aü Study on the Register Variation of Shijing Based on Multidimensional Analysis Method:A Case Study of James Legge's Prosal and Rhymed Versions
中文关键词:  多维分析  语料库  《诗经》英译  语域变异
English Keywords:multidimensional analysis  corpus  English translations of Shijing  register variation (
Fund Project:
李广伟 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
李宝虎 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
摘要点击次数: 8
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      文章运用多维分析法,借助Multidimensional Analysis Tagger 1.3.3工具,对理雅各的1871年散体译本和1876年韵体译本的67个语言特征进行标注与频数统计,并借助回归建模等复杂统计方法对语域变异成因进行分析。研究发现:理雅各的散体译本和韵体译本同属于“参与性说服(involved persuasion)”语域;韵体译本的信息性和情境依赖性均显著高于散体译本;韵体译本信息性强于散体译本的主要原因是较多使用名词(不含名词化和动名词),而情境依赖性较高的主要原因是较多使用地点状语和时间状语。研究结论为中国古典诗歌的英译研究提供了启示和参考,对未来中华诗歌翻译实践具有一定的借鉴意义。
English Summary:
      This study uses Multidimensional Analysis Tagger 1.3.3 to annotate and count 67 linguistic features of James Legge's prosal translation published in 1871 and his rhymed translation in 1876, and analyzes the causes of the register variation using complex statistical methods including regression modeling. The study shows that:(1) Legge's prosal and rhymed translations both belong to the register of “involved persuasion”; (2) the rhymed translation is more informational and situation-explicit than the prosal translation; (3) the frequent use of regression modeling shows that the noun (excluding nominalization and gerund) is the main reason that leads to the higher informativeness of the rhymed translation, and place and time adverbials are the two main reasons that lead to the higher situation-independence. This study provides insights and references for the English translation of Chinese classical poetry and certain reference significance for future practices in translating Chinese poetry.
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