龙云,杨湘粤,赵学鹏.农业面源污染治理政策认知、经营规模与耕地质量保护行为——基于湖南省邵阳市的调查研究[J].,2024,(6):76-86 |
农业面源污染治理政策认知、经营规模与耕地质量保护行为——基于湖南省邵阳市的调查研究 |
Cognition of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Control Policy, Operation Scale and Farmland Quality Protection Behavior |
投稿时间:2023-12-30 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 农业面源污染治理政策认知 经营规模 耕地质量保护行为 |
English Keywords:cognition of agricultural non-point source pollution control policy operation scale farmland quality protection behavior ( |
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中文摘要: |
农业面源污染治理政策的长期可持续效应取决于农户认知和行为的响应程度。文章基于湖南省邵阳市的320份农户微观调查数据,以农民经济学中的农户决策理论为依据建立Logit模型,实证检验了农业面源污染治理政策认知对农户耕地质量保护行为的影响效应,并探讨经营规模在其中的作用。研究结果显示:农业面源污染治理政策认知程度越高,农户行为响应的可能性越大;在同样的政策认知水平下,30亩以上的规模经营农户更有可能实施耕地质量保护行为;在农户个人及家庭特征影响因素方面,性别、家庭总人数和社会网络等均有不同程度的正向影响效应。此外,还进一步分析证实了调研地森林覆盖率负向影响农户耕地质量保护行为的实施概率,且在政策认知对行为的影响中起负向的调节作用,但在覆盖率低于50%的地域中,农户政策认知有显著的正向促进效应。最后,文章提出了提升治理政策绩效的相关建议。 |
English Summary: |
The long-term sustainable effect of agricultural non-point source pollution control policy depends on the response of farmers' cognition and behavior.Based on 320 micro-survey data of farmer households in Shaoyang city and the decision-making theory of farmer households in farmer economics, in this paper, Logit model was established to test the effect of agricultural non-point source pollution policy cognition on farmers' farmland quality protection behavior, and the role of operation scale was discussed. The conclusions are as follows:The higher the awareness of agricultural non-point source pollution control policy, the more likely the farmers are to respond to the policy Gender;Under the same level of policy cognition, farmers with scale of 30 mu or more are more likely to implement farmland quality protection behaviors, ; In the aspect of the influencing factors of individual and family characteristics of peasant households, sex, total number of family and social network have different degree of positive effect. In addition, the further analysis also confirmed that the forest coverage negatively affected the implementation probability of farmers' farmland quality protection behaviors, and played a negative moderating role in the impact of policy cognition on behavior, however, in the forest coverage regions less than 50%, farmers' policy cognition shows a significant positive promoting effect.Finally, some suggestions are put forward to improve the performance of governance policy. |
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