Construction of an Intelligent Safety Risk Prevention and Control System for Nuclear Power Construction Projects: Theoretical Framework, Operational Design and Realisation Conditions
投稿时间:2024-05-10  修订日期:2024-09-13
中文关键词:  【关键词】核电建设项目、智慧防控体系、数字技术、安全风险管理
English Keywords:Nuclear power construction projects  intelligent defence and control systems  digital technology  safety risk management
Fund Project:
p>曾建国* 南华大学 马克思主义学院 湖南 衡阳 421001
谢倩芬  421001
摘要点击次数: 55
全文下载次数: 0
English Summary:
      I In order to firmly implement the overall international security concept and nuclear security concept proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, a smart prevention and control system for safety risks in nuclear power construction projects is constructed based on digital technology. Based on the concept of risk management, the theoretical framework, operational design and realisation conditions of the intelligent prevention and control system are discussed in detail. The use of digital technology to empower the nuclear power construction project safety risk prevention and control ‘monitoring - early warning - disposal - evaluation’ of each link, to provide rapid perception, real-time monitoring, early warning, disposal and systematic assessment and other functional utility, and ultimately achieve the safety risk of intelligent prevention and control system safe, stable and efficient operation. To this end, we must strengthen the top-level design of the nuclear power construction project safety risk intelligence prevention and control system, promote the comprehensive construction of nuclear power construction project safety risk prevention and control elements of the digital construction, improve the construction of nuclear power construction project safety risk intelligence prevention and control system platform construction, and innovate the nuclear power construction project safety risk intelligence prevention and control of composite talent training methods.
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