The Impact of Carbon Risk on Asset Pricing: An Empirical Study Based on the Chinese A-share Market
投稿时间:2024-05-10  修订日期:2024-07-11
中文关键词:  碳风险  资产定价  Fama-French三因子模型  碳排放  碳绩效
English Keywords:carbon risk  Asset pricing  Fama-French Three-Factor Model  Carbon emissions  Carbon emission performance
Fund Project:
王晓润 安徽农业大学经济管理学院合肥工业大学管理学院 230036
曹青洲* 安徽农业大学经济管理学院 230036
候宇 安徽农业大学经济管理学院 230036
摘要点击次数: 82
全文下载次数: 0
English Summary:
      In contrast with developed countries "natural peak" process for carbon emissions, China's active implementation of a high-quality development strategy has led its approach towards reaching a peak in controlling carbons under a distinctly policy-driven framework. Given this context, it becomes imperative to examine whether Carbon Emission Risk (CER) plays a significant role in asset pricing within China's A-share Market and its impact on corporate stock returns during our selected period from 2013-2022. To achieve this goal we have constructed an expanded model incorporating CER into Fama-French three-factor model separately through quarterly data analysis. The empirical findings reveal: 1) Both models integrating extended CER factors effectively capture prevailing conditions pertaining to CERs across Chinese equity markets. 2) Diverse perceptions prevail among investors regarding companies exhibiting differing levels of Carbon Emissions & Performance - resulting in simultaneous presence of 'High-Carbon Emission Premiums' alongside 'Green Incentives'. These effects are further magnified as firm sizes increase; wherein elevated CER poses concerns impacting stock performances negatively whereas superior Carbon Performance garners increased investor confidence towards green prospects whilst diminishing future emission-related risks expectations. To ensure precise evaluation by investors concerning these inherent risks linked with CERs', we recommend prompt establishment & enforcement by regulatory bodies standardizing disclosure norms relating to such matters along with dedicated platforms facilitating such disclosures - thus enhancing oversight over information dissemination while minimizing disclosure costs borne by firms themselves. Additionally, concerted efforts must be directed at reviewing historical disclosures tied up with CERs so as refine them suitably.
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