An Exploration of the impact path of digitalization on low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises based on SBM-DDF model
投稿时间:2024-04-25  修订日期:2024-05-25
中文关键词:  数字化  低碳转型  绿色技术创新  人力资本  全要素碳生产率
English Keywords:Digital Transformation  Low-carbon Transformation  Green Technological Innovation  Human Capital  Total Factor Carbon Productivity
Fund Project:
欧阳娇* 南华大学经济管理与法学学院 南华大学碳中和与核能发展创新研究院 421001
刘发龙 南华大学经济管理与法学学院 南华大学碳中和与核能发展创新研究院 421001
罗丞志 南华大学经济管理与法学学院 南华大学碳中和与核能发展创新研究院 421001
摘要点击次数: 106
全文下载次数: 0
English Summary:
      The proposal of the "dual carbon" target has raised higher requirements for the low-carbon transformation of enterprises. Under the background of digital China strategy, it is significant how digitalization empowers low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises. This paper adopts the panel data of A-share industrial listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2013 to 2021, identifies the digitalization of enterprises through content analysis, and explores the impact of digitalization on the low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises from the perspective of total factor carbon productivity. The study finds that: digitalization significantly promotes low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises, and this conclusion still holds after a series of robustness tests; from the perspective of the path of action, digitalization promotes low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises through promoting green technological innovation of industrial enterprises and enhancing the human capital of the enterprises; The heterogeneity test found that compared with non-state-owned enterprises, small-scale enterprises and low-carbon emitting enterprises, the digitalization of state-owned enterprises, large-scale enterprises and high-carbon emitting enterprises has a more significant effect on the promotion of low-carbon transformation of enterprises. Finally, this paper puts forward reference suggestions on how to use digitalization to promote low-carbon transformation of industrial enterprises.
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