Discussion on Promoting Integration in Disability Product Design from the Perspective of Social Integration
中文关键词:  助残产品设计  社会融合  工具属性  符合属性  交互属性
English Keywords:product design for people with disabilities  social integration  instrumental attributes  conformity attributes  interactive attributes (
Fund Project:
韩朝阳 中国艺术研究院 研究生学院,北京 100000 
摘要点击次数: 120
全文下载次数: 101
English Summary:
      This paper focuses on the social integration of people with disabilities, and analyzes the “integration-promoting” effect of product design on the basis of clarifying the current situation of exclusion and integration requirements of people with disabilities. It focuses on the three basic attributes of products, namely, “instrumental attributes, which increase the types of people's social activities and widen the radius of their social activities”, “symbolic attributes, which reshape the image of people's existing identity” and “interactive attributes, which influence people's usage habits and change their collective lifestyle” to explain the concepts and paths of design for solving the social integration problems of the contemporary disabled population.
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