A Study of Sales Channels and Private Label Decisions in Platform Supply Chains Considering Consumer Preference Behaviour
投稿时间:2024-04-04  修订日期:2024-04-04
中文关键词:  自有品牌  直销渠道  平台零售商  消费者品牌偏好  Stackelberg博弈
English Keywords:Private label  Direct channel  Platform retailers  Consumer brand preference  Stackelberg game
Fund Project:
邵灵芝 安徽工业大学管理科学与工程学院 243032
摘要点击次数: 121
全文下载次数: 0
English Summary:
      As competition in the market intensifies, more and more manufacturers are opening direct sales channels to capture the retail market in order to expand their market share. Meanwhile, retailers are launching private label products in the market in order to gain their dominant position in the supply chain. This paper focuses on a supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a platform retailer. Considering four scenarios of whether the manufacturer opens a direct sales channel and whether the retailer introduces its own brand, the paper constructs four sub-game models and solves them using game theory, discusses the manufacturer''s sales channel strategy and the retailer''s private label strategy, and analyses the impact of the relevant important parameters on the strategies and operational decisions of each member of the supply chain. It is found that: when the manufacturer opens the direct sales channel, the price of branded products in the retail channel is always higher than that in the direct sales channel, and when the retailer introduces its own brand, the price of famous brands in the retail channel is always higher than that of its own brand; whether the manufacturer establishes the direct sales channel or not, the retailer always introduces its own brand, and the opening of the direct sales channel promotes to a certain extent the introduction of its own brand when compared with the opening of the direct sales channel. When a retailer introduces its own brand, the manufacturer is bound to open a direct sales channel if the cost of opening the channel is appropriate.
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