周洁,杨苡铭.抢夺行为的定型化与体系性解读 ——从抢夺罪与盗窃罪的界分切入[J].,2024,(3):109-114
抢夺行为的定型化与体系性解读 ——从抢夺罪与盗窃罪的界分切入
The Stereotyping and Systematic Interpretation of Snatching Behavior——Starting from the distinction between robbery and theft
中文关键词:  抢夺罪  盗窃罪  界限  公然性  刑法体系
English Keywords:crime of seizing  larceny  limits  publicity  criminal law system (
Fund Project:
周洁 太原科技大学 法学院,山西 太原 030024 
杨苡铭 太原科技大学 法学院,山西 太原 030024 
摘要点击次数: 37
全文下载次数: 37
English Summary:
      In view of the theoretical controversy on the distinction between theft and robbery, this paper, from the perspective of the interpretation of the criminal law system and the structure of crime and punishment, returns to the position of criminal localization, adheres to the general theory of criminal law, and insists on taking public and secret as the dividing standard between theft and robbery, thus realizing the balance between crime and punishment in the current criminal law system. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of theft and robbery, it is clear that publicity is the essence and core feature of robbery, and the act of openly and illegally obtaining others should be recognized as robbery, not all robbery acts have the possibility of causing casualties, “violence against property” is not the necessary element of robbery, and the meaning of “close possession” of property needs to be expanded to be interpreted as property within the sight of the victim.
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