Research on the Transcendence of Chinese Path to Modernization to Western Modernization from the Perspective of Recognition Theory
中文关键词:  承认理论  中国式现代化  西方现代化  马克思承认哲学
English Keywords:recognition theory  Chinese-style modernization  western modernization  Marx's philosophy of recognition (
Fund Project:
刘先江 湖南师范大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 长沙 410081 
彭淇琛 湖南师范大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 38
全文下载次数: 32
English Summary:
      The realization of modernization needs the “mutual recognition” between the national subject and the internal subject. The classical recognition theory and the modern recognition theory bring two different schemes to the road of “recognition” of modernization, and the Western modernization development model of starting from a few people and sacrificing others is the true portrayal of the recognition process described by the classical recognition theory. Chinese modernization has adhered to the community in the development subject, and based on the intersubjectivity in the development motive, completed the adjustment of recognition from “life and death struggle” to free and true “mutual recognition”, realized the transcendence and sublimation of the Western modernization road, and handed over to the world a Chinese answer to the new form of human civilization.
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