On the Spiritual Momentum of Mao Zedong Thought Giving Chinese-Style Modernization
中文关键词:  毛泽东思想  现代化探索  中国式现代化  智慧动能
English Keywords:Mao Zedong Thought  modernization exploration  Chinese-style modernization  wisdom and kinetic energy (
Fund Project:
罗建文 湖南科技大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
李青利 湖南科技大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 44
全文下载次数: 36
English Summary:
      The spiritual connotation and rational wisdom of Mao Zedong's thought on modernization construction and the essential requirements of Chinese modernization have a high degree of internal logic agreement and logical penetration of value rationality, and will inevitably become the indispensable spiritual support and wisdom power for the cause of Chinese modernization. The great conception of Mao Zedong Thought on how to take the road of socialist modernization in economically and culturally backward China has laid a fundamental ideological foundation and theoretical guideline for Chinese modernization; the scientific concept of accurately grasping the law of movement of basic contradictions in China's society and the main tasks has provided a materialistic worldview and methodology for formulating a scientific development strategy for Chinese modernization; the scientific assertion of attaching importance to the construction of a great, glorious and correct CPC has provided an indispensable spiritual support and wisdom for Chinese modernization. The scientific assertion that the CPC attaches importance to building a great and glorious CPC provides a strong political core and fundamental guarantee for Chinese modernization; Mao Zedong Thought, as a great achievement of “two combinations”, provides a theoretical guide and spiritual pillar for Chinese modernization; the principle of truthfulness that the people always create history clearly defines an inexhaustible source of impetus for Chinese modernization and its basic reliance. The principle of always adhering to the truth of the people's creation of history has made clear the inexhaustible source of power and basic reliance for Chinese modernization; and a series of historical experiences and important treasures on revolution and construction have laid down the fundamental guidelines for the cause of Chinese modernization. Only by applying the truthful worldview and scientific methodological principles of Mao Zedong Thought can the development of Chinese modernization have the rational wisdom and spiritual nourishment of inexhaustible power.
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