The Research on Taboo Words in Wang Fuzhi's Handwritten Version of Nightmare
中文关键词:  王夫之  楷书  《噩梦》  国讳  家讳
English Keywords:Wang Fuzhi  regular script  nightmare  national taboos  tabooed names of father and ancestors (
Fund Project:
张国良 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 104
全文下载次数: 112
      楷书《噩梦》,原文共24 629字,残去129字,是现存不多的王夫之手写文献之一。从用字角度看,《噩梦》遵从崇祯三年颁布的国讳,避了“照”“常”“洛”“由”“校”等字,避了“朝”“聘”等王氏家讳,不避清代国讳“玄”字。这真实地反映了王夫之避讳的具体情况,也反映了王夫之坚守明代遗民身份的书写状态。
English Summary:
      The handwritten version of Nightmare, with 24 629 words in the original and 129 words lost, is one of the few handwritten documents of Wang Fuzhi. From the perspective of words, Nightmare avoids the national taboos of the Ming Dynasty, such as Zhao, Chang, Luo, You, Xiao, Yi, and so on. It also avoids the taboos of the Wang's family, such as Chao and Pin,but without avoiding the taboo of the Qing Dynasty about Xuan. It truly reflects Wang Fuzhi's specific methods of avoiding taboos, and also reflects Wang Fuzhi's calligraphy status of sticking to his identity as an adherent of the Ming Dynasty.
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