Discussion on the External Dependence of China's Uranium Resources in the Development of Nuclear Power
中文关键词:  铀资源  核电  对外依存度
English Keywords:uranium resources  nuclear power  the degree of external dependence (
Fund Project:
杨月平 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
王萍 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 202
全文下载次数: 144
English Summary:
      The degree of external dependence on uranium resources is the proportion of a country's or region's uranium resource imports to its own uranium resource demand. Because the natural endowment of uranium resources is not good, domestic uranium production is difficult to meet its own needs with the development of nuclear power industry, China's degree of external dependence on uranium resources has climbed all the way up to 83.3%. This situation shows China's growing degree of external dependence on uranium resources and its increasing exposure to price fluctuation in the international uranium market. In this regard, we can neither take it lightly nor overreact, but should look at it rationally. We should not only increase investment in domestic uranium exploration, but also ensure a continuous and stable supply of foreign uranium products. In order to guarantee the long-term security of supply of China's uranium resources in the development of nuclear power, various approaches should be adopted, such as increasing domestic uranium production, promoting overseas uranium exploration, conducting international uranium trade, and upgrading national uranium reserve, etc..
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