On the Humanistic Roots of Green Development in Contemporary China
中文关键词:  当代中国  绿色发展  人文精神  人文关怀
English Keywords:Contemporary China  green development  humanistic spirit  humanistic care (
Fund Project:
邹平林 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
徐栋 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 120
全文下载次数: 81
English Summary:
      Green development is the dialectical unity of “green” and “development”. “Green” is both the direction of “development” and the way of “development”. “Development” is both the purpose of “green” and the guarantee of “green”. Both “green” and “development” inherently contain the humanistic spirit and humanistic care. “Green” is not only a means to ensure the sustainable development of mankind, but also a harmonious coexistence of man and nature's way of life, value concepts and aesthetic taste. “Development” is not only the growth of material wealth, but also the enhancement of individual freedom, living conditions and civilization. Without a deep humanistic foundation, there can be no real green development. As far as contemporary China is concerned, on the one hand, humanistic care must be embedded in development planning and institutional arrangements on the premise of adhering to socialist value orientation, and on the other hand, extensive humanistic and ecological education must be carried out on the basis of integrating all kinds of ideological resources, in an effort to consolidate the humanistic foundations of socialist green development.
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