The New Development of Digital Technology and Marxist Epistemology
中文关键词:  数字技术  认识结构  认识与实践  认识与伦理
English Keywords:digital technology  cognitive structure  knowledge and practice  knowledge and ethics (
Fund Project:
赵小龙 南京大学 哲学系,江苏 南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 189
全文下载次数: 109
English Summary:
      The development of epistemology needs to be based on technological progress. Digital technology refers to a collection of technologies that use modern computers and program algorithms as core elements to convert different information in the objective world into computer language, and perform operations such as calculation, processing, storage, and dissemination of the resulting digital information. The birth and development of digital technology has an important innovative role in promoting Marxist epistemology. From the perspective of cognitive structure, digital technology adds new content to the elements of cognitive structure; from the perspective of the relationship between cognition and practice, digital technology strengthens human cognitive abilities by improving their practical level; from the perspective of the relationship between cognition and ethics, digital technology has extended the ethical field of Marxist epistemology. Clarifying the innovative promotion of digital technology on Marxist epistemology is conducive to accurately grasping the new connotation of Marxist epistemology advancing with the times.
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