Aü Socialist Perspective on Artificial Intelligence as “General Condition of Production”
中文关键词:  一般生产条件  人工智能资本主义  马克思主义政治经济学  社会主义
English Keywords:general condition of production  AI capitalism  Marxist political economy  socialism (
Fund Project:
李帅 云南大学 马克思主义学院,云南 昆明 650500 
李芳 云南大学 马克思主义学院,云南 昆明 650500 
摘要点击次数: 164
全文下载次数: 101
English Summary:
      Artificial intelligence, as an advanced form of the means of production, has a significant impact on the advancement of socialism and the realization of the ambitious goals of a communist society. In contrast to the “infrastructure” in the Marxist perspective, AI may become the “general condition of production” in Marx's words. Adhering to the dialectical thinking of Marxism, the article examines the possibility of AI becoming a general condition of production from the level of the dialectical relationship between productive forces and relations of production, and analyzes the many social issues arising from the popularization and application of AI in the fields of production, life, and consumption, which is helpful for rationally exploring the impact of AI as a general condition of production. This kind of research helps to rationally explore the rational use of AI as a “general condition of production” in the process of socialist development, clarify the nature of AI at the theoretical level, and help to build a new model of AI development oriented to socialism.
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