Liability Mode Selection of Directors to Creditors during the Critical Period of Company Bankruptcy
投稿时间:2023-11-16  修订日期:2024-06-04
中文关键词:  破产临界  不当交易责任  破产申请迟延责任  信义义务
English Keywords:the critical period of company bankruptcy  delayed bankruptcy application liability  director"s improper transaction liability  fiduciary duty
Fund Project:
罗欢平* 湘潭大学 410015
谢毅 湘潭大学 410015
摘要点击次数: 66
全文下载次数: 0
English Summary:
      There are two referential modes of liability of derectors to creditors, director"s delayed bankruptcy application liability and director"s improper transaction liability, have been formed from outside the country. Although the former can fit the fiduciary duty transformation theory of directors and curb the opportunistic tendencies of directors, it is unreasonable request to directors to been endowed liability to apply for bankruptcy and to identify in a timely manner when the company has reached the threshold of bankruptcy. The latter not only conforms to the theory of directors" fiduciary duty transformation, but also has the institutional advantages , such as giving directors more options, more reasonable consideration of the existence of business risks and more suitable for China"s bankruptcy ability. In one word, director"s improper transaction liability mode is the appropriate rule pattern for China to construct the relevant system.
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