On the Pattern for Translating Indigenous Information in The Lord of The Rings:A Study Based on an English-Chinese Bilingual Parallel Corpus
中文关键词:  《魔戒》  语料库  本源概念  翻译模式
English Keywords:The Lord of the Rings  corpus  indigenous information  translating pattern (
Fund Project:
戈玲玲 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
袁益显 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 138
全文下载次数: 91
English Summary:
      This paper attempts to analyze the patterns for translating indigenous information in Zhu Xueheng's version of The Lord of The Rings based on an English-Chinese bilingual parallel corpus. According to Eugene A. Nida's criteria of cultural classification,the indigenous information of The Lord of The Rings can be classified into four categories, namely, material and objects culture, language and expression culture, religion and fantasy culture, and social culture. According to statistics, the integrated patterns for translating the indigenous information of The Lord of The Rings shows a tendency of “paraphrasing>metaphrasing>transliteration>substitution>combined translation>deletion”, and transliteration is the main strategy for dealing with proper nouns. The study shows that there exist differences in translating different categories of indigenous information, such as the proportion of metaphrasing and paraphrasing. The findings will provide some enlightenment to the translation and research of indigenous information in fantasy literature in the future, and promote the spread and exchange of traditional Chinese and western cultures.
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