Typological Study of Overt Markers of Arithmetic Operations in Complex Numerals
中文关键词:  复合数词  显性标记  制约因素  语序类型
English Keywords:complex numerals  overt marker  constraint factors  word order (
Fund Project:
刘苹 中南民族大学 外语学院,湖北 武汉 430074 
摘要点击次数: 122
全文下载次数: 82
English Summary:
      Complex numerals in different languages of the world are usually composed of two or more components by means of arithmetic operations, which are partially marked by overt markers. Given the inadequate research of related research at home and abroad, this paper establishes a sample of 365 languages by using the diversity value sampling method and conducts a typological study on these overt markers. It finds two kinds of special overt markers:different forms for the same number in different arithmetic operations, and different pause duration for different orders of operations. The relations between overt markers and arithmetic operations are different in different languages and four constraints work on the selection of markers:the numerical value of complex numerals, the number of arithmetic operations, the relations between product and remainder, and the differences of components involved in arithmetic operations. Five universals exist in the placement of overt markers in different languages, among which one is an absolute universal and four are near-universals.
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