Career Development of Young Editors of University Journals in Digital Age
中文关键词:  高校学报  青年编辑  职业发展  激励相容  路径优化
English Keywords:university journal  young editors  career development  incentive compatibility  optimization path (
Fund Project:
李俭国 西南财经大学 《经济学家》编辑部,四川 成都 610074 
赵爱清 西南财经大学 《经济学家》编辑部,四川 成都 610074 
摘要点击次数: 326
全文下载次数: 163
English Summary:
      The talent team is the decisive factor in the construction of university disciplines and first-class periodicals.As the backbone of university journal, young editors' professional level and work performance directly affect the quality of journal running, but their career development is faced with dual difficulties from university internal management and external digitization. Combined with the characteristics of university journals and the professional demands of young editors, and based on the principle of incentive compatibility, this paper analyzes the difficulties faced by young editors in the career development of college journals from four aspects:occupational treatment, occupational status, academic research role and occupational psychology. Then it summarizes the reasons for the problems from four aspects:the dependence of university journal to the university, the source of young editors, the evaluation of young editors' contribution to their work, and the challenges brought by digital publishing. On these basis, from the four aspects of post optimization, policy system support, individual quality improvement and the transformation of running the journal, the author puts forward the incentive compatible strategy design of the young editors' personal growth and the quality improvement of the journal.
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