Comprehensive Evaluation of High-quality Development Level of Technology-based SMEs
中文关键词:  科技型中小企业  高质量发展  指标体系  测度
English Keywords:technology-based SMEs  high-quality development  indicator system  measure (
Fund Project:
胡海波 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421000 
彭卉 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421000 
摘要点击次数: 200
全文下载次数: 86
English Summary:
      With high-quality development as the research background and the science and technology-based SMEs in GEM as the research sample, an evaluation system covering eight dimensions with 19 indicators is constructed based on the requirements of high-quality development and the characteristics of the enterprises themselves, using principal component analysis to refine the system and form a comprehensive evaluation model, and using BP neural network algorithm to simulate and test the system, which proves that the evaluation system constructed in this paper is feasible and effective. Finally, by analyzing the scores of the sample companies, the influence of each dimension on the quality of enterprise development is obtained, and corresponding countermeasures are proposed to help enterprises achieve high-quality development.
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