On the Spread and Optimination of “Micro Ideology and Politics Education” of the Mainstream Media on Microblog
中文关键词:  微思政  主流媒体  思想政治教育  微博传播
English Keywords:micro ideology and politics education  mainstream media  ideology and politics education  microblog spread (
Fund Project:
祁叶达 南阳科技职业学院 团委,河南 邓州 474150 
刘晓玲 南阳科技职业学院 团委,河南 邓州 474150 
摘要点击次数: 189
全文下载次数: 111
English Summary:
      The “Micro Ideology and Politics Education” based on the “Long Tail Effect” is a new mode to explore the Ideology and Politics Education under the context of innovation-driven development of “Internet Plus”, and the superposition of numerous microblogging approaches can achieve a “great effect” like the mainstream media. “Micro Ideology and Politics Education” using the mainstream media is a realistic way to implement the Ideology and Politics Education concretely. Through microblogging, the information of “Micro Ideology and Politics Education” gradually enters the flow of intrapersonal communication, group communication and mass communication. For this end, it is imperative to create a controllable and clear Microblog space, attach importance to the necessity of “Micro Ideology and Politics Education”, actively promote the microblogging of “Ideology and Politics Education” information, and promote the expansion and upgrading of the information spreading mode for “Micro Ideology and Politics Education”. The in-depth spread of “Micro Ideology and Politics Education” also involves multiple factors, but more attention should be attached to the optimal management and construction of opinion leadership, media convergence, media literacy, and communication discourse.
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