The Value and Realization of the Historical Initiative Spirit to Cultivate the Good Youth in the New Era
中文关键词:  中国共产党  历史主动精神  新时代好青年
English Keywords:Communist Party of China  historical initiative spirit  good young people in the new era (
Fund Project:
施丽红 重庆交通大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400074 
王鑫竹 重庆交通大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400074 
摘要点击次数: 230
全文下载次数: 103
English Summary:
      The spirit of historical initiative is rooted in historical materialism, adheres to the original mission of seeking happiness and rejuvenation, demonstrate the quality of the will to fight without fear of difficulties, runs through the century-old struggle of the Communist Party of China, and is the spiritual key of good young people in the new era who have ideal, dare to bear hardships and are willing to struggle. To cultivate young people with the initiative of history, we should follow the law of young people's growth and development, integrate the initiative spirit of history into the education of ideals and beliefs, the education of “four histories” and the education of social practice, and promote the cultivation project of good young people in the new era.
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