Research on After-school Science Popularization Services of Adolescent Science Popularization Journals in Primary and Secondary Schools
中文关键词:  课后服务  青少年科普期刊  新科普
English Keywords:after-school service  youth science popularization journal  new science popularization (
Fund Project:
段发明 湖南师范大学 期刊社,湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 157
全文下载次数: 110
English Summary:
      After school services in primary and secondary schools not only provide time and space for the development of popular science services for young people's popular science journals, but also guide the new direction of the development of journals:supplement and improve school science education, and promote the improvement of young people's scientific literacy. The after-school science popularization service of youth science popularization journals is a new science popularization that takes scientific enlightenment as its own responsibility, that is, surpassing knowledge goals, knowledge and ability centers, classroom learning, knowledge acceptance, student-centered, paying attention to scientific concepts and spirits, advocating for students to explore and move towards social practice in science education. It not only changes its content, but also expands scientific knowledge and supplements scientific attitudes, spirits, and values; And the way of after-school services has also undergone a transformation, forming a science popularization characteristic centered around students, activities, and extracurricular activities.
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