陈睿琦.遮蔽、退潮与新变 ——20世纪80年代革命历史小说的命运[J].,2023,(4):98-104
遮蔽、退潮与新变 ——20世纪80年代革命历史小说的命运
Shelter, Ebb and Change
中文关键词:  革命历史小说  20世纪80年代  遮蔽  “纯文学”
English Keywords:revolutionary historical novels  1980s  shelter  depoliticization (
Fund Project:
陈睿琦 中国人民大学 文学院,北京 100872 
摘要点击次数: 210
全文下载次数: 106
English Summary:
      In the narration of the mainstream literary history, the 1980s became a break in the development of revolutionary historical novels. The revolutionary historical novels of the 1980s showed two clues. On the one hand, the revolutionary historical novels of traditional discourse tended to ebb; On the other hand, under the trend of “turning inward”, the novels with revolutionary historical themes also deconstructed the grand narrative at the ideological and artistic levels, and presented a variety of new patterns. The trend of depoliticization in the 1980s covered the concept of “revolutionary historical novels”, which was just a new kind of cultural norm.
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