Two Combinations:An Exploration of the Early Historical Path in the Context of Sinicization of Marxism
中文关键词:  马克思主义中国化  “两个结合”  早期历史脉络  “中国向何处去”
English Keywords:the sinicization of Marxism  “two combinations”  early historical path  “where is China going” (
Fund Project:
张锐珏 中国社会科学院大学 哲学院,北京 102488 
摘要点击次数: 199
全文下载次数: 77
English Summary:
      Two combinations”, put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, is an important proposition in the context of sinicization of Marxism. The process of its proposal, establishment, enrichment, and deepening is a powerful answer to the question of “where China is going” in the era, and a theoretical confirmation of the debate between modern Chinese thought “ancient and modern China, the West, and the East”. Mao Zedong's “Theory of Practice” and “Theory of Contradiction” are the early classic expressions of the “two combinations” applied in the practice of Chinese democratic revolution. Based on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, Marxist theory has achieved creative transformation and innovative development in China, opening up and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. As an advanced theory, the basic principles of Marxism are constantly combined with China's specific reality in exploring the path of China, guiding China's specific revolutionary practice; As an advanced culture, the basic principles of Marxism constantly generate modern Chinese new culture through interaction with excellent traditional Chinese culture, consolidating the subjectivity status of Chinese national culture.
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