Analysis of the Development Status of China's Nuclear Safety Culture Under the “Two Overall Situations” and its Countermeasures
中文关键词:  两个大局  中国核安全文化  核安全命运共同体
English Keywords:two overall situations  China's nuclear safety culture  community with a shared future for nuclear security (
Fund Project:
周江平 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
高朋珍 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 259
全文下载次数: 121
English Summary:
      Nuclear safety is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. To achieve nuclear security defenses in depth, we must continue to cultivate a nuclear safety culture. Paying attention to the development of China's nuclear safety culture in the context of the “two overall situations” is the top priority of current nuclear safety work. Under the background of the “two overall situations”, China's nuclear safety culture has developed well in terms of value leadership, theoretical innovation, legal improvement, industry implementation and public communication, but there are also shortcomings such as more value research and less specific code of conduct research, insufficient use of traditional safety culture, and mismatch between international influence and its own nuclear safety strength. Crises and opportunities coexist, on the one hand, China's nuclear energy development and governance are in the ascendant, on the other hand, the West dominates the international nuclear safety culture discourse.In this regard, China's nuclear safety culture should adhere to the guidance of Marxist theory and dialectically absorb the experience of nuclear safety culture construction at home and abroad, absorb the excellent traditional Chinese culture of harmony, prudence and responsibility and with the help of the “Belt and Road”, vigorously promote the concept of a community with a shared future for nuclear security.
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