Research on Industrial Structure Optimization based on Input-output Perspective of Energy Carbon Emissions
中文关键词:  碳减排  产业结构优化  “碳排放”投入产出表  线性优化模型
English Keywords:carbon emission reduction  industrial structure optimization  “carbon emission” input-output table  linear optimization model (
Fund Project:
周茜 华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206 
周雪娇 华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206 
耿佳乐 华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206 
摘要点击次数: 263
全文下载次数: 114
English Summary:
      Climate change and high-quality economic development are global issues that have attracted widespread attention. Optimizing and adjusting the industrial structure is an important means to balance economic development and emission reduction. How to adjust the industrial structure of each sector in the context of low carbon economic development is the focus of this study. Therefore, aiming at economic growth and carbon emission reduction, this paper compiles an input-output table of “carbon emissions” containing 30 kinds of energy. Based on this table, a linear optimization model of carbon emission reduction constraints is constructed, revealing the optimal structure of the three industries under the three scenarios of economic priority, balanced type and emission reduction priority, and further revealing the optimal structure of 30 industrial sectors. It is found that:In the three scenarios, although the optimized industrial structure can achieve economic growth and emission reduction goals, the GDP growth rate is the highest under the economic priority scenario, reaching 8.10%; Under the emission reduction priority scenario, the carbon emission reduction rate was the highest, reaching 8.00%. From the perspective of the optimized three industrial structure, the proportion of added value of the primary and secondary industries to GDP and the proportion of carbon emissions to total carbon emissions decreased, while the proportion of the tertiary industry increased significantly. From the perspective of the optimized structure of each sector, the three sectors with the largest contribution to economic growth are 30 “others”, 6 “food and tobacco” and 20 “computer communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing”; The three sectors with the largest emission reduction potential are 14 “metal smelting and rolling products”, 13 “non-metallic mineral products” and 28 “transportation, warehousing and postal services”. Appropriate economic development and emission reduction constraints are not only conducive to emission reduction but also to economic development. This paper provides a scientific basis for China to further adjust the structure of the industrial sector and achieve high-quality economic development.
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