王三兴,杨少伟.东道国数字经济对我国对外直接投资的影响 ——基于跨国面板数据的实证研究[J].,2023,(2):54-66
东道国数字经济对我国对外直接投资的影响 ——基于跨国面板数据的实证研究
The Impact of Host Country's Digital Economy on China's Foreign Direct Investment
中文关键词:  数字经济  功效得分法  对外直接投资  OFDI动机  PPML
English Keywords:digital economy  efficacy scoring method  OFDI  OFDI motivation  PPML (
Fund Project:
王三兴 安徽大学 经济学院,安徽 合肥230000 
杨少伟 安徽大学 经济学院,安徽 合肥230000 
摘要点击次数: 359
全文下载次数: 129
English Summary:
      The Ward cluster method was used to classify OFDI motivation of 104 countries from 2006 to 2020. The digital economy was calculated using the efficacy score method. The adjustment effect was tested by adding the interaction terms between digital economy and investment motivation. In this paper, the impact of digital economy on China's OFDI and OFDI motivation is studied. The conclusions are as follows:Various tests show that the digital economy of host country significantly promotes China's OFDI; The hardware and software infrastructure of digital economy plays the most prominent role, while the promotion effect of innovation and technology transformation ability and ICT level is weak. The improvement of digital economy will inhibit the promoting effect of market size and R&D input on OFDI, and weaken the inhibiting effect of wage level on OFDI. In countries where market-based OFDI prefers digital economy and high R&D input, the ability of innovation and technology transformation plays a significant role in promoting market-based OFDI. The higher the R&D input of the host country, the higher the innovation and technology transformation ability and the improvement of the ICT level can obtain additional benefits, and the signing of bilateral agreements is conducive to the development of OFDI. It provides theoretical and empirical basis for promoting the development of China's digital economy, maximizing investment benefits and building a high-level pattern of opening up.
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