Value Implication of the Construction of Ideological and Political Education System in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
中文关键词:  新时代  高校思想政治教育  体系
English Keywords:new era  college ideological and political education  system (
Fund Project:
徐先艳 中国青年政治学院 青少年工作系,北京 100089 
曹鹤鸣 中国青年政治学院 青少年工作系,北京 100089 
摘要点击次数: 580
全文下载次数: 191
English Summary:
      The construction of ideological and political education system in colleges and universities is an important content of in-depth ideological and political work in the new era. In the aspect of theoretical research and subject construction of ideological and political education,theoretical knowledge system and subject system should be constructed to promote theoretical research and subject construction of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In the aspect of connotation construction of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities, the teaching effect, educating effect and reforming effect of ideological and political course in colleges and universities should be improved by constructing teaching system, curriculum system and evaluation system. In the aspect of modernization of ideological and political education governance in colleges and universities, it is necessary to promote the modernization of ideological and political education governance system and governance ability by constructing system and mechanism system.
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