Aü Study on the Discourse Performance and Pragmatic Function of “Hai NP Ne”
中文关键词:  “还NP呢”  话语表现  语用功能
English Keywords:“hai NP ne”  discourse performance  pragmatic function (
Fund Project:
邹晗 北京大学 对外汉语教育学院,北京 100871 
摘要点击次数: 383
全文下载次数: 148
English Summary:
      This paper investigates the performance and pragmatic function of “hai NP ne” in discourse through a certain number of conversational data. It is found that “hai NP ne” is more flexible in the distribution position in the turn. It mainly appears at the end of the turn to convey emotion and attitude, and wait for the response; “hai NP ne” mainly appears in the response sequence, in which NP mainly comes from the copy or contrastive structure of NP in the trigger sequence; “hai NP ne” often appears in the “statement-negation” answer type. As a negative marker, it performs partial negation by marking the object in the trigger sequence; This kind of negation belongs to pragmatic negation, which is the basic function of “hai NP ne”. In actual discourse communication, the speaker expresses the interpersonal functions of modesty, disclosure, ridicule, banter, doubt and irony through pragmatic negation.
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