Saint Simon's Thought of Labor Happiness and its Contemporary Enlightenment
中文关键词:  圣西门  劳动  幸福
English Keywords:Saint Simon  labor  happiness (
Fund Project:
黄秋生 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
龙冠 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 417
全文下载次数: 185
English Summary:
      Saint Simon expressed his thought of labor happiness in the theory of industrial system, revealed the contradiction between the privileged class and the industrial class, and criticized the irrationality of labor in feudalism and capitalism. He always regards the happiness of workers as his purpose of creating an industrial society, which reflects Saint Simon's care for the working people. Saint Simon's thought of labor happiness is based on the theory of industrial system, which mainly includes three parts:labor creates happiness, criticism of “labor” under the old system, and industrial system is the road to labor happiness. Saint Simon creatively combines labor and happiness, which has important theoretical value and important enlightenment for China to cultivate correct labor concept, promote social development and realize common prosperity.
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