The Centennial Evolution of Chinese Communist Youth League Discourse:Theme, Characteristics and Enlightenment
中文关键词:  共青团  话语主题  话语嬗变  全国团代会
English Keywords:the Communist Youth League  discourse theme  discourse evolution  Congress of the National Communist Youth League (
Fund Project:
彭容容 无锡城市职业技术学院 马克思主义学院,江苏 无锡 214000 
摘要点击次数: 404
全文下载次数: 146
English Summary:
      The discourse of the Communist Youth League of China is a general term about what kind of Communist Youth League to build and how to give full play to its functions. The change of the theme of discourse reflects the change of the organizational form, functional orientation and development direction of the Communist Youth League of China. As an important political text of the construction of the Communist Youth League, the report of the Congress of the National Communist Youth League can effectively reflect the different discourse themes of the Communist Youth League in different periods. In the past hundred years since its founding, the discourse theme of the Communist Youth League of China has changed from “revolutionary discourse”, “construction discourse”, “reform discourse” to “rejuvenation discourse”. It has realized “three turns”, from “revolutionary pioneer” to “new generation” in the direction of discourse, from “foreign discourse” to “local discourse” in the content of discourse, and from “mobilizing discourse” to “leading discourse” in the form of discourse. The construction of China’s Communist Youth League in the new era is a continuation of the century-old struggle. It should continue to take Marxism as the theoretical support, “follow the Party’s words” as the value premise, have the courage to carry out self-revolution as the development motivation, and respect the main position of young people as the practical direction. It should give full play to its own discourse advantages, and inject strong momentum into the construction and development of China’s Communist Youth League in the new era.
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