The Century-long Course and Basic Experience of the Communist Youth League's Struggle Around the Central Task of the Party
中文关键词:  共青团  党的中心任务  历史进程  基本经验
English Keywords:the Communist Youth League  the Central Task of the Party  historical process  basic experience (
Fund Project:
徐艳红 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
葛春芳 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 422
全文下载次数: 150
English Summary:
      As the assistant and reserve army of the Party, the Communist Youth League of China closely follow the pace of the party, around the central task of the party, through a glorious course of one hundred years. Over the past hundred years, the Communist Youth League has adhered to the leadership of the Party and put into practice the correct principles and policies of the Leading Group of the Party. It has persisted in reform and constantly strengthened its ability to struggle around the central task of the party. It has also educated and guided the youth, attaching importance to the role of youth in revolution, construction and reform, and has made great contribution during the period of New Democratic Revolution, socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening-up, socialist modernization and the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In the future construction, the Communist Youth League should constantly give prominence to its political nature, strengthen its advanced nature, maintain its mass nature, and consolidate its leadership foundation, political foundation and youth mass foundation, which revolves around the central task of the party.
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