Moral Historicism:Between Universality and Relativity
中文关键词:  道德历史主义  道德普遍主义  道德相对主义
English Keywords:moral historicism  moral universalism  moral relativism (
Fund Project:
蒋福明 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
王海 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 260
全文下载次数: 129
English Summary:
      Moral universalism requires the universal moral theory to regulate human practical life. However, because it ignores the complexity of practical life itself, it eventually leads to various modern moral theories. In this context, moral relativism returns to modern society with new features such as emotionalism and irrationalism, and directly denies the objectivity of morality. Between these two extremes, moral historicism appears in a compromise posture, emphasizing both the objectivity of morality and the relativity of morality. However, although this proposition overcomes the limitations of moral universalism, it falls into ambiguity with moral relativism because of its emphasis on moral relativity. If we want to get rid of moral relativism, it will tilt towards moral universalism. This tension between the two is both its charm and its difficulty.
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