The Expressive Dimension, Internal Tension and Transcendence of New Imperialism
中文关键词:  新帝国主义  金融霸权  内在张力  内在超越
English Keywords:new imperialism  financial hegemony  internal tension  internal transcendence (
Fund Project:
马俊峰 西北师范大学 马克思主义学院,甘肃 兰州 730070 
尹文华 西北师范大学 马克思主义学院,甘肃 兰州 730070 
摘要点击次数: 294
全文下载次数: 103
English Summary:
      After the new imperialism stepped onto the historical stage, it presented “internal dialectics” in the specific logical operation process:as the necessary stage of the development of capitalism, the new imperialism has formed the objective inevitability of the “economic, political, cultural, ecological” four in one expression direction and its corresponding internal tension. In the face of many dilemmas of “internal tension”, the new imperialism will not wait to die, but will not be outdone. It is bound to take various forms of measures to self transcend the symptoms rather than the root cause in order to continue to advance. However, these self transcending “self-help” measures of neo imperialism failed to eliminate its internal tension, and instead made it more dangerous thus promoting the international situation to become more volatile.
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