The Moral Impact of the Polarization of Online Groups on Young People and its Countermeasures
中文关键词:  网络  群体极化  青年道德  对策
English Keywords:network  population polarization  youth ethics  countermeasure (
Fund Project:
俞光华 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
何雁 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 461
全文下载次数: 293
English Summary:
      Network group polarization refers to the phenomenon that in the process of network space communication, under the influence of groups, the opinions and behaviors of netizens become more and more extreme, and eventually produce extreme speech and behavior. Network characteristics give rise to polarized groups, technology empowerment promotes homogeneity within groups, bad network media guides group emotions, and group psychology intensifies group polarization. All these are the reasons for the generation of network group polarization. The contemporary youth are the “indigenous people” in cyberspace, and are highly susceptible to the negative influence of the polarization of online groups, which leads to the phenomenon of moral consensus differentiation, moral cognition narrowing, moral choice disability and moral behavior misconduct. Therefore, it is necessary to build the network moral ecological environment by breaking the barriers of the circle, breaking the cocoon of information, channelling network emotions, and governing network public opinion, so as to condense the moral consensus of young people, consolidate their moral cognition, optimize their moral choice, strengthen their moral responsibility, and promote the formation of their moral character.
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