Impression Management of Carbon Information Disclosure and Stock Price Crash Risk:“Autophagy Tool” or “Camouflage Weapon”?
中文关键词:  双碳目标  高碳行业  碳信息披露  印象管理  股价崩盘风险
English Keywords:dual carbon target  high carbon industry  carbon information disclosure  impression management  stock price crash risk (
Fund Project:
罗喜英 湖南科技大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭 411100 
谢任依 湖南科技大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭 411100 
摘要点击次数: 551
全文下载次数: 171
English Summary:
      Eight listed companies in China's high carbon industry from 2015 to 2020 were selected as research objects to empirically test the impact of the impression management of carbon information disclosure on stock price crash risk of high carbon enterprises. It is found that the impression management of carbon information disclosure can significantly reduce stock price crash risk, reflecting the “camouflage weapon” effect of impression management, and the political affiliation level will weaken the impact of the impression management of carbon information disclosure on stock price crash risk. Further research shows that the impression management of carbon information disclosure mainly affects stock price crash risk through expressive manipulation. In addition, there are differences in the impact of the impression management of carbon information disclosure on stock price crash risk among enterprises with different regulatory pressures. Specifically, there is a negative correlation between the impression management of carbon information disclosure and stock price crash risk in non-cross-holding enterprises, but this relationship is not significant in cross-holding enterprises under dual supervision.
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