On the Application of the Injunction for the Protection of Personality Rights in Using Information Network to Infringe Personal Rights and Interests
中文关键词:  人格权禁令  人格权侵权  网络  《民法典》第997条
English Keywords:the injunction for the protection of personality rights  infringement of personality right  network  Article 997 of Civil Code (
Fund Project:
郑远民 湖南师范大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410006 
陈大山 湖南师范大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 516
全文下载次数: 231
English Summary:
      The use of information network to infringe personal rights and interests is a typical personality right infringement that is alienated by integrating network elements, including real-time damage consequences and non-real-time damage consequences. The introduction of the injunction for the protection of personality rights has created an innovative channel for China to quickly and promptly stop the use of information networks to infringe on personal rights and interests. However, Article 997 of the “Civil Code” has a relatively abstract expression on the injunction for the protection of personality rights, and no supporting judicial interpretation has been formulated, resulting in the existence of this system predicament. Based on the above, when applying the injunction for the protection of personality rights to online infringements, it should be clarified that the applicant should generally be limited to the subject of the right, and can only be extended to civil subjects such as close relatives and legal agents when there are special reasons; it should be clarified that there is no sequence of application of the injunction for the protection of personality rights and safe haven regulations; the determination of the possibility of success and irreparable damage should be applied to special review standards that are different from ordinary cases of infringement of personality rights; the injunction for the protection of personality rights that is ruled in effect will not ultimately determine the rights and obligations of all parties.
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