The Content and Value of the Construction of Revolutionary Discourse in the Central Soviet Area
中文关键词:  革命话语  中央苏区  《红色中华》
English Keywords:revolutionary discourse  the central soviet area  red China (
Fund Project:
周江平 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
裴成相 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 412
全文下载次数: 154
English Summary:
      Discourse and discourse power are prominent forms of political power of parties, which is particularly important for Communist Party of China during the Agrarian Revolutionary War. In the period of the Central Soviet Area, facing the severe and complex situation at home and abroad, Communist Party of China took a clear-cut stand against imperialist aggression, deeply exposed decadent rule of Kuomintang authority, strengthened regime construction by criticizing bureaucratism, and advocated a new trend of civilization by breaking stereotypes and bad habits. During this period, CPC actively developed revolutionary discourse and built a revolutionary discourse system via Red China, which is essential to mobilize the cadres and masses in the soviet area to struggle against imperialism and feudalism. As a result, it made remarkable contributions to accelerating the process of New Democratic Revolution, fostering the construction of anti-corruption and promoting the popularization of Marxism.
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