Construction of Government Performance Evaluation Index System Based on Cost Accounting and Application Research
中文关键词:  政府绩效评价  成本管理  评价指标体系
English Keywords:government performance evaluation  cost management  evaluation indicators system (
Fund Project:
唐洋 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
王佳瑞 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
胡晴 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 432
全文下载次数: 124
English Summary:
      Government performance evaluation is a process in which the government evaluation subject uses certain evaluation methods to evaluate government performance objectively. However, due to the late start of government performance evaluation in China, there are still problems in some places such as placing more emphasis on investment than management, and placing more emphasis on expenditure than performance. The guiding role of performance assessment results is not strong, and cost accounting has become the core of improving government performance.Therefore, this article on the basis of cost accounting of government performance evaluation, uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) from six aspects of the economic development, social management, education, science and technology, resources and environment, cost management, public service to build government performance evaluation index system based on cost accounting, and applies it to the H city government performance evaluation work, thus effectively improving the government's credibility and execution, and at the same time helping to promote the development of China's government performance evaluation.
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